Huge news today on the immigration front. President Biden just signed an executive order that’s going to change the lives of around half a million people here in the United States!
As you may know, ordinarily if you’re present in this country—even if your US citizen spouse petitioned for you and the I-130 is approved—you do not have a lawful admission into this country. You need to return to your home country in order to adjust status and get a green card. What this executive order does, it says, “If you’ve been here in the United States for at least 10 years and you’re married to a United States citizen and you have no lawful status—in other words, you weren’t admitted—then you can adjust your status here in the United States and then eventually become a United States citizen. In other words, this benefit only applies to people who are out of status. If you’re in status, you will not benefit from this new regulation.
Another provision of this executive order is that it applies to the children of these non-citizens, who will now be eligible to adjust status within the United States—provided that the child has a stepchild relationship with the US citizen spouse.
A couple of other features of this special type of parole, as it’s referred to. You cannot have a disqualifying criminal history. USCIS has not defined the precise contours of eligibility yet, but they have said that the eligibility criteria with respect to criminal history will be similar to that that exists for green cards today.
Therefore, if you’re excited but a bit confused about this whole process and wondering what your next step is—your next step is to call me! Why? Because I will help you navigate through this process—and if you do qualify for this benefit, and you have a couple blips on your criminal history that might disqualify you for this special form of relief, I can handle that for you. I can make that stuff disappear.
So give me a call, or schedule a 15-minute free consultation. Go to and I’ll help you prepare for this new benefit!